Ghosts Table

Freezing Temps
Ghost Orb
Ghost Writing
Spirit Box
Name Unique Trait Roaming Behavior Footstep Speed Forced Evidence Evidence Range Base Mod Hunt % Keywords
Spirit Smudge sticks last longer against it Normal Normal Ghost Writing, EMF, Spirit Box 1.5m / 3.0m 1.6 1.6 50%
Wraith No salt footsteps; can teleport to players randomly (generates lvl 2 EMF) Teleport-based roam Normal D.O.T.S., EMF, Spirit Box 1.5m / 3.0m 1.6 1.6 50% Salt, Stalk, Teleport, EMF
Phantom 0.5%/s sanity drain when in psuedo LOS during events; does not appear in photos, stalks player (roams to, leave EMF 2 at start point), slow blink (less visible during hunt) Normal Normal D.O.T.S., Ultraviolet, Spirit Box 1.5m / 3.0m 1.6 1.6 50% Camera, Photo, Stalk, Sanity Drain
Poltergeist Throws multiple objects at once; throw freq. is high Normal Normal Ghost Writing, Ultraviolet, Spirit Box 1.5m / 3.0m 1.6 1.6 50% Throw, Object, Item
Banshee Targets & stalks a single player; Freq. singing; hunts from range if target is inside; unique Sound on blpblpblpblp Target-focused Normal D.O.T.S., Ghost Orb, Ultraviolet 1.5m / 3.0m 1.6 1.6 50% Stalk, Singing, Humming, Sound, Parabolic Microphone
Jinn Faster if far away & breaker on; territorial near breaker and will drain sanity faster (EMF 2 @ breaker); cannot use abilities when breaker off; cannot turn off breaker (can trip by turning on too many lights) Territorial (breaker room) Normal EMF, Ultraviolet, Freezing Temps 1.5m / 3.0m 1.6 2.5 (up to, line-of-sight / long distance) 50% Territorial, Breaker, Sanity
Mare More likely to hunt in dark; hates lights turned on Prefers dark rooms Normal Ghost Writing, Ghost Orb, Spirit Box 1.5m / 3.0m 1.6 1.6 60% / 40% (light / dark) Dark, Light
Revenant Extremely fast w/ line-of-sight; very slow w/o it Normal Slow Ghost Writing, Ghost Orb, Freezing Temps 1.5m / 3.0m 1.0 3.0 (up to, line-of-sight) 50%
Shade Very shy & quiet; fewer hunts w/ people nearby Less w/ players nearby Normal Ghost Writing, EMF, Freezing Temps 1.5m / 3.0m 1.6 1.6 35%
Demon Frequent hunts; can hunt from 70% avg sanity; special ability hunts at 100% & larger crucifix range Aggressive Normal Ghost Writing, Ultraviolet, Freezing Temps 1.5m / 3.0m 1.6 1.6 100% / 70% (rare ability / normal) Early hunt
Yurei Can slam doors & significantly lower sanity w/ door shutting ability; confined to room after smudging Normal Normal D.O.T.S., Ghost Orb, Freezing Temps 1.5m / 3.0m 1.6 1.6 50%
Oni More visible hunts (faster blinking); highly active when people around Aggressive Normal D.O.T.S., EMF, Freezing Temps 1.5m / 3.0m 1.6 1.6 50% Blinking, Visible
Yokai Talking near it will temporarily raise the hunt threshold. Can only hear voices / detect electronics within short range during hunts. Attracted to voices Normal D.O.T.S., Ghost Orb, Spirit Box 1.5m / 3.0m 1.6 1.6 80% / 50% (talking / silent) Talking, Early Hunt
Hantu Moves faster in colder rooms; slower in warm; cold breath during hunts when breaker off Normal Temp-based Freezing Temps Ghost Orb, Ultraviolet, Freezing Temps 1.5m / 3.0m 1.4 - 2.7 (depending on room temp) 1.4 - 2.7 (depending on room temp) 50% Temperature, Temp
Goryo DOTS only visible on cam & while no players nearby; rarely leaves room; cannot change favorite room Minimal Normal D.O.T.S. D.O.T.S., EMF, Ultraviolet 1.5m / 3.0m 1.6 1.6 50%
Myling Quieter footsteps & more frequent vocal sounds on blpblpblpblpblp Normal Normal Ghost Writing, EMF, Ultraviolet 1.5m / 3.0m 1.6 1.6 50%
Onryo Early hunts if flame is extinguished near it Normal Normal Ghost Orb, Freezing Temps, Spirit Box 1.5m / 3.0m 1.6 1.6 60% / 50% (flame out)
The Twins Two entities: main ghost & decoy w/ separate interactions Dual Roam Normal & slight variant EMF, Freezing Temps, Spirit Box 1.5m / 3.0m 1.6 & 1.5 1.6 & 1.7 50%
Raiju Faster near active electronics; stronger EMF interference; disrupts electronics from further away when hunting Drawn to electronics Normal D.O.T.S., EMF, Ghost Orb 1.5m / 3.0m 1.6 2.5 (up to, w/ electronics) 65% / 50% (near electronics / no electronics
Obake Fingerprints fade quickly; rare 6-finger print (16.7% chance); shapeshifts during events Normal Normal Ultraviolet EMF, Ghost Orb, Ultraviolet 1.5m / 3.0m 1.6 1.6 50%
The Mimic Copies other ghost abilities; ALWAYS has ghost orbs Varies (mimics target ghost) Varies Ghost Orbs (Still applies to no-evidence runs) Ultraviolet, Freezing Temps, Spirit Box 1.5m / 3.0m Varies Varies Varies
Moroi Curses players via Spirit Box; speeds up as average sanity drops Normal Faster w/ lower sanity Spirit Box Ghost Writing, Freezing Temps, Spirit Box 1.5m / 3.0m 1.5 (at max sanity) 2.25 (up to, at 0% sanity 50%
Deogen Knows your location always; very slow up close, faster far Pinpoint Variable Spirit Box D.O.T.S., Ghost Writing, Spirit 1.5m / 3.0m 1.6 (avg) 3.0 - 0.4 (distance-based) 40%
Thaye Starts very active & fast; ages/weaker the longer players are nearby to it Normal & Early Decreases over time D.O.T.S., Ghost Writing, Ghost Orb 1.5m / 3.0m 1.6 (young) 1.0 (old) 75% / 15% (declines over time)

Cursed Items Table

Map Ouija Board Music Box Tarot Cards Summoning Circle Haunted Mirror Voodoo Doll Monkey Paw
6 Tanglewood Drive Basement table Nursery shelf Living Room end table Basement center Master BR wall Garage trashcan Living Room case
42 Edgefield Road Basement storage (under stairs) 1F living room side table Dining room table Basement center 2F hallway wall Master BR corner floor 2F hallway table
10 Ridgeview Court Basement shelf near stairs 1F living room coffee table Kitchen island Basement center Master BR closet wall Upstairs hallway corner 1F office desk
13 Willow Street Basement shelf (hallway) Living room TV stand Living room coffee table Basement corner Garage wall hook Blue bedroom closet floor Garage shelf near door
Grafton Farmhouse Utility side room (1F) Living room small table Dining table (main room) 2F storage (center) Upstairs hallway wall Nursery rocking chair Bench near front door
Bleasdale Farmhouse 1F workshop shelf Living room bookshelf Main hallway table Attic center 2F hallway wall 1F storage closet floor 2F bedroom closet
Brownstone High School Main foyer bench Entrance hallway table Cafeteria table (left side) Courtyard center Principal’s office wall Left wing hallway locker Right wing hallway locker
Prison Visitation area bench Warden’s office desk Cafeteria dining table Outside yard center Warden’s office wall Block A table Block B shelf
Maple Lodge Campsite Lobby building front counter Lodge lounge table (downstairs) Campfire bench Central camp path Lodge bathroom wall Lodge 2F bedroom floor Lodge 1F side shelf
Camp Woodwind Picnic table near tents Folding table by entrance Foldable table near fire pit Center by campfire Behind green tent (on wall) White tent corner Cornhole game area shelf
Sunny Meadows Lobby reception desk Chapel altar table Main lobby table Courtyard center Hall near Morgue door East Wing patient room Chapel front pew bench
Sunny Meadows (Restricted) Random wing reception desk Chapel side shelf Hallway side table One accessible wing’s center Wing corridor wall Side patient room bed Hall bench (accessible area)